MerlinMerlina | Intuitive Reading
MerlinMerlina Integrative medicine for children
MerlinMerlina Integrative medicine for children
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     An intuitive reading is conducted by scanning a person’s energy paths and field (treatments), which are located in and around their body, to identify where there may be energy blocks so that these might be treated.

Using a reading it is possible to gain insight in different aspects of an energy blockage. For example: why does this child have an energy block? Why is this child unwell? Why does this child behave this way? What does the child want to say but feels it currently cannot and why?
With these acquired insights I can better assess the child’s needs and together, with the agreement of both child, parents/carers, treat accordingly.

A reading is a wonderful tool to work with young children and disabled children who are not yet able to express what is going on or what it is that they require. On an energetic level it is possible to make contact with these children and to give them a voice so that their wishes and instructions can still be expressed, energetically, rather than physically or verbally. Often it is found that a child’s behaviour improves when they come to trust that they do not have to resort to disruptive behaviour (as can sometimes be the case) in order for them to feel heard, acknowledged and understood.

A reading is therefore a useful aid in helping to understand physical complaints as well as acquiring a deeper understanding of a child’s emotional needs.