MerlinMerlina | Treatments
MerlinMerlina Integrative medicine for children
MerlinMerlina Integrative medicine for children
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Options within MerlinMerlina

     Complementary medicines have in common that their approach to treatment is holistic and recognises the importance of the interaction between mind, body and a person’s environment. Its focus therefore is on all these aspects.


The complementary treatments that I offer, belong to the category of energy medicine. They utilise the fundamental elements of energy medicine which are, that we humans not only consist of a physical body but also of energy paths and fields (meridians, chakras, aura).


Energy medicine finds that symptoms or disease develop when the energy flow within our energy field is blocked, because of influences on the mind, body or the person’s environment. That clearing these energy blocks can help to support the body’s own natural healing process, to such an extent that often a symptom or disease can be alleviated or the body returned to its natural state of well-being.


A number of complementary treatments are offered at MerlinMerlina:

MerlinMerlina SterReiki
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Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
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Intuitive Healing
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Intuitive Reading